What Bonus Materials will you get?

When you buy your My Manifest earrings, you don't just get a pair of gorgeous earrings, printed affirmation card and a premium box to keep them safe in.

We are here to support your manifesting journey. On purchase, you will get an instant link to a stack of really useful resources to guide you. That way, you will be ready to go when the postman arrives.



Below is a sneak peek at the bonus materials you will receive for download.


Video - Overview of the Five T's
The Five T's Easy Guide  
Daily two page worksheet
Suggested Daily Routine
DIY Affirmation Worksheet
TUNE IN Worksheet
TINGLE Worksheet
Your Superhero Story Worksheet
30 Actions to Boost your Creativity
30 Instant Mood Boosters


Plus you also get: 10 Actions for each Intention

(yes, you get them all!)