April 12, 2021
The Five T's That Will Get You What You Want
There are five simple steps to manifesting what you want into your life. If your memory is anything like mine, you will be glad to know they all start with a "T". In even better news, they don't need to happen in order or at the same time. In fact, you can nail them in about five minutes a day, or the time it takes to down a sauv blanc at the end of a tough day.
The first T is for TUNE IN. Like finding the right channel, your brain needs a tune to make sure your intention is loud and clear. This is where your Manifest Jewellery comes into play. Popping in your earrings and reading your affirmation each morning is a great way to start your day with clarity.
The second T is for TINGLE. That is the feeling you should have when you think about your intention coming true. A great way to start tingling is to create a vision board which you keep on hand to whip out for a tingle boost. You can also close your eyes and imagine what is would feel like to have what you want. This isn't about tricking your brain into thinking that you have it, it is about showing her what you want to feel.
If finding true love is what you want, imagine the feeling of his arms wrapped around your body. His smell, his smile, how he makes you feel. OK you get the drift. If money is your thing, you might imagine yourself cozied up on the couch in your waterfront mansion. The sound of happy children coming from their playroom in a (far away) wing. Are you meandering down the beach in your skimpy bikini, warm sand between your toes?
If you spend some time conjuring up your tingle in the beginning, it should be easy to revisit on command. Make a habit of getting your 'tingle going' at least once a day to keep your brain on track.
The next T is for TAKE ACTION. I hate to be the one to break it to you, but sitting around wishing for things is time wasted. You need to get the ball rolling if you want to manifest anything this century. I'm not talking giant steps, but a stream of little actions that propel you in the right direction. Joining a dating site, doing a mini budget, clearing out a cupboard. Action creates momentum and sparks a chain reaction of new things. If you need help with some ideas, your earrings come with a ready made '10 actions' to get you started. Create your own task list and relish in ticking them off. Don't skip this bit, trust me.
T number four is for THANKS. Taking two minutes a day to write a gratitude note is the perfect way to recap the good things that are happening. Show thanks for the things you have, the things you manifested (no matter how small) and the journey you are on.
We are up to the last T, TRUST. You won't get very far if every time you think about your dream a little thought pops up 'that won't happen'. Our brain likes to avoid disappointment but this is not the time to take its advice. You are reading this because you believe there is something in it. Capture that belief and run with it because Negative Nancy will rain on your parade. The benefits of a positive attitude are well documented so use it to your advantage.
And there you have it, the Five T's. Tingle, Tune, Take action, Thanks and Trust are the ingredients for successful manifesting. Now that you have the recipe, what are you waiting for?
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