April 12, 2021
Creating a Whizz-Bang Vision Board
Using one word to manifest your future isn't going to cut it. You need to be specific so your mighty brain knows what she is looking for. Asking for 'money' might bring you a five dollar note, but I'm pretty sure you had something else in mind.
A vision board is the perfect way to 'visualise' what you want to manifest. This is your chance to go crazy. I want you tingle when you see it - that's right - tingle.
The classic way to create a vision board is to flick through a bunch of magazines and look at what jumps out at you. Even if you haven't done cutting and pasting since kindy, I recommend it. There is a certain satisfaction in starting with a blank canvas and creating a collage. I find that glue-sticks work best to avoid a soggy mess as magazine paper can be thin.
If you are feeling confident, add in words, sprinkle on some glitter - channel your inner artist. There are no rules and this is your personal creation.
Don't stress if you don't have a massive pile of magazines on hand (or if you would rather not destroy the ones you do have). There are plenty of applications that help you build a virtual vision board.
I like Pinterest because it is free and has a never ending supply of images. Plus you can make it private if you don't want your mates to see that you are drooling over a bikini body or hot pink Tesla. If you aren't familiar with Pinterest, check our our simple step by step guide to get started. Add in some quotes to spice up your page and print out your masterpiece if you can so it stays front of mind.
Don't let thoughts of 'that will never happen' intrude when creating your vision board. The purpose is to inspire you and remember, anything is possible. Other people have what you want - so why cant you?
Place your vision board in a place where you will SEE it. If you want to keep it private, print it out and fold it up so it fits into your Manifest Jewellery box. That way it can be part of your ritual and supercharge your results.
Have fun!
Photo by Fahim R. on Unsplash
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